Making Reading A Habit

Lady-Omega Hammond
3 min readMay 18, 2022
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Reading is an art that helps you improve your knowledge. It also allows you to explore a new world, meet new people and expand your thoughts. Reading is a habit that can be incorporated into your daily lifestyle.

You can start by setting aside some time in the morning to read for 15 minutes or so before going to work or school. It is important to choose books based on your interest and patterns you enjoy reading about.

Make sure to give more time to things that build your value, as well as make good use of the time available. Time is precious so make sure you spend it wisely!

Reading is a habit that’s easy to get into, but it’s also one of the most beneficial habits you can develop. It will help you improve your knowledge and skills, and it’s a great way to relax at the end of the day.

You don’t need to spend hours at a time reading — a few minutes here and there are enough to keep your mind sharp and improve your vocabulary.

Reading is also a good way to learn more about yourself. Reading is a habit that can be built into your daily lifestyle. It’s important to incorporate reading into your day because it’s a great way to improve your knowledge and understanding of the world around you.

Photo by Alexandra Fuller on Unsplash

If you’re not sure where to start, try picking up something from this list of books based on your interest and studying patterns that build upon what interests you will help develop you into who you want to be.

  • What do you like?
  • What do you want to do with your life?
  • Which areas do you want to improve in and be more knowledgeable about?

Reading is also something that can be done on your own time, without having to rely on other people or schedules. If you want to read a book about how to build muscle mass, then go ahead and do it! Or if you want to read a book about how to write better essays… or even just a book about the history of humans on this planet… go ahead and do it!

But we all know that the struggle can be real…

If you’re struggling with finding time for reading in your schedule, don’t worry — there are plenty of ways to incorporate time for reading into your routine. You could set reminders on your phone every day at 10 am, or every night at 10 pm after work or school (depending on what works best for you).

You could also join a reading group once every few months where everyone reads the same book and discusses it together over virtual hangouts.

Photo by Blaz Photo on Unsplash

But most importantly: make sure that whatever you’re reading is something that will bring value into your life! Set reminders so that when it’s time for reading, no matter where you are or what time it is, you will be reminded of what’s important — reading! But how do we make this amazing activity part of our everyday lives? After all, there are so many distractions out there — TV shows, movies, social media… all vying for our attention — it can feel impossible to prioritize reading over everything else we have going on.

The good news is: it’s not impossible! It just takes some effort on your part — the right kind of effort

We hope this article has convinced you of how important reading is! Nothing good comes easy — you have to work hard if you want success in life. That means setting aside time for things that matter: making sure that when spending time on something, it counts toward something bigger than itself (like reading).

How do you plan to build a reading habit?

I’d love to hear from you!

Written by Lady-Omega Hammond



Lady-Omega Hammond

I am a software business developer. I write about: faith, software apps, tech startups & STEM education in 🇬🇭. 📧